Saturday, October 13, 2012

the horse

Just another short story

The Horse

I was born on a cold rainy day in September. I could not stand up for hours and I could not get dry. But my mother stayed by me standing over me and nudging me from time to time.
Every time I would try and stand up, I would start shaking and I would fall over, and then finally, I did it. I was standing. I was shaking from the cold and wet air, and I was also very tired. but I was also hungry and had to eat. I could smell it but could not find my milk. I sniffed and licked every where, and when I finally got by my mothers back leg she lifted it up and I found it, I sucked and sucked . Its was
really good and made me feel warm. It also helped stop some of the shaking.
Now that I was full. I wanted to take a nap. The warm milk made me feel sleepy. But my mother keep nudging me and licking me. And there was not
any where dry to lay.
After a few hours a man came and put a rope on my mother. He looked me over and over. Then he tried to touch me but I hid behind my mother. He
scratched his head a few times and then he took off with my mom. I ran and followed her. All the while I made sure to keep mom between me and the man.
He took her in to a barn but I stopped at the door. It looked scary and dark. I was afraid to go in. I backed away from the door and called out to my
mother. She answered me back over and over. Then I finally built up the nerve to go in. So I ran threw the door to my mother.
Then the man left closing
the door. He looked in threw a window for a few minutes and then he tossed in some grass. Then he filled a bucket with some water and set it by the door and left us there.
It was dark in the barn and I did not see any way out. I felt trapped. But my mom just started eating some of the grass that the man had threw in. I sniffed it and licked it. Thought it over but I don’t think I would like the grass my self. It was all dried out. So while mom ate I just lay-ed down right in the middle of it and took a nap. at least it was dry.
We had to stay in the barn for a while. Everyday the man would come and give us water and grass. He would clean out the old grass and try to
touch me. But I would not let him. I was faster than him and would run to the other side of the barn.
Then one day the man opened another door and let us out. It was a pen but big enough I could run and jump. I ran and ran kicking up my heels. It
felt great and there was a lot of sunshine. This was a happy day, I could really
run fast and the sun felt so warm. I just had to lay down and soak up as much of it as I could.
The man came and put the rope on my mom again. He took her into a
small room with wheels and tied her up. When he came out, I went in and stood by her. There was not much room in this place and the ground sounded funny when I would walk. The man shut the door and soon after the room started moving.
When we stopped the man opened the doors and there was all kinds of people and animals on ropes and in cages. A lot of things I had never seen
before. A lot of noise's and sounds. I was scared and nervous. I did not know where we were but I did not like it and I wanted to go home. Then
the man came and took my mom and left me in the room alone. I call and cry for my mom. I could hear her answer she was just outside. Then
some lady came and gave the man some green papers. They opened the door and two young men grabbed me and put rope on me I tried and tried but I could not get away. They drug and pushed me from
the room and took me to a different one.
All the while I could hear my mom
calling me and I was answering back, but it did no good. They put me in the room and shut the door. Then the room started moving and my mothers voice
got farther away till I could not hear her no more.
When the room stopped moving, they open the door and put me in a small pen with very little grass and a very big water bucket. That I could barely reach into and get a drink. There were other horses there but they did not want anything to do with me they just sniffed me over and went on about eating the grass in their pen.
They had a lot of grass in there pen and it was much bigger than mine. I'm very hungry and would like some of moms milk. I wonder if she will be
coming here too.
I spent a long time there in that small pen but I was not all ways alone. One day they put a big old horse in the same pen with me. She was a funny colored
brown with a white face and had a long number on her neck. She had one white eye and was kind of spooky looking. She was skinny like me but at least she could reach the water.
We soon became friends and I would follow her around in our bare empty pen. We would watch the the other horse's eat their green grass. Sometimes
the people would climb on the other horse's back and they would be gone for awhile but when they would get back they got grain to eat and their hair brushed. We only got grain in the morning.
Sometimes a little boy would come out and play. I never knew what he would do. One minute he would throw grass at us and we would eat it. The next he would throw rocks and we would have go to the back of the pen.
Then one day a man and a woman came with one of those rooms on wheels they talked for awhile with the people and then they put the old horse in the room. I was alone again. I called to her and she would answer. Then the people were looking at me. They talked for a bit as I ran around the fence. Then they walked over my way. The man was looking at me and watching me run I seen the man talk to the woman and they came over my way. They put a rope on me and put me in the room with the old horse.
The room was moving again maybe its going back to my mother. I wished I was tall enough to look out but I cant. The old horse has her head out a window so she can see and every once in awhile she calls out but nobody answers.
When the room stopped moving I could hear other horse's answering the old horse. They opened the doors to the room and just let us out. Then they took off all the ropes even the ones we had on our face. And the pen was really big and full of green grass. The grass was tall and tickling my belly. The were some other horse's there and they just came over and stood by us like they had already knew us. But they where shiny and fat and we were skinny. Our hair was matted and long.
The man sat and watched us for long time while we ate. Then he came and got the old horse. He gave her some grain and put some kind of white stuff in it. Then he started brushing her hair. He tried to make her look pretty but her mane and tail was full of burrs from the old pen we were in. he soon took out something and just cut off her mane and some of her tail. She just did not look the same. She wasn't pretty like the other horse's but she did look better. Then he looked at me and shook his head.
He came over and started brushing and pulling the mats out of my hair. It kind of hurt sometimes but it felt better to. He looked me over and cut off my mane and a lot of my tale. Then he shook his head again and started trying to get the mats out again. He soon picked up his brush and left. But I still had mats in my hair.
He came everyday and would brush me and work on the mats and he would take each horse for a walk, even me. And he would give me grain while we was away from the other horses. I soon got to where I would wait on the man to show up everyday. It was so much better here than where I was. I feel like running now and I had plenty of room to do it.
I could run pretty fast but the black horse always beat me. He was always first every time. He is not much older than me. But he is taller and fatter. He has longer legs. One day I will be first.
I been here with the man for three years now. He still brushes me and takes me on walks. He has taught me several things. Like bow, and lay down. Of coarse I get a peppermint or a apple treat for everything I do right.
When the man is here I follow him everywhere he go’s. He is my favorite person. Sometimes he rides me but I don't mind he is always nice. The other horse sometimes try to chase me off but the man comes to me and chases them off. I am always watching for the man and I stand by the fence so I can see him when he is outside of his barn. If I have the choice I would stay here with this man forever. I sorry if my word usage is not right but I think I told my story well for a horse.
See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. i have some other short story here on blogger
    thanks for reading
